
Monday, May 21, 2012

Would you like to write a guest post for my blog?

I'm looking for guest posts--not just from other writers and illustrators but from anyone who is passionate about books for kids and teens: librarians, teachers, book lovers, graphic novel fans, book designers, editors, agents, book bloggers, book sellers, you name it.

Any guest post would have to fit my blog, and it can't be something that I've already done or could do on my own. Check out my previous posts to get a better idea of what fits. I mostly blog about writing, illustrating, publishing, books, and geek culture--all things that I love!

The best guest posts should have a personal slant and provide something only you can provide. Are you a writer who has encountered a particular struggle in your writing, and if so, how did you overcome it? Is there something or someone in particular that inspires you? Have you learned something surprising in your writing or publishing journey that you'd like to share? Is there a children's or YA book that has special meaning to you? If you could tell a group of writers or illustrators something you think they should know but don't, what would it be?

If you have an idea for a guest post that fits these guidelines, please leave a comment below or write to me at I look forward to hearing from you.


Shevi Arnold


  1. I would be honored to have a chance to write a guest post for your blog. As an illustrator and a recently first time self-published author, my approach to the craft of writing may be unique.
    I usually design my characters graphically, to provide visual reference. As I write, I'll pop up one of the illustrations and ask, "What would you do in this situation?"
    This approach makes for some puzzled looks from my wife in the wee hours as I peck away at my keyboard.
    You can find my first fantasy novel, "The Seeds" available at Smashwords.
    Thanks! I hope to hear from you.
    Jeff Davis

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jeff, yes, that would be perfect!

    The funny thing is that, as a former editorial cartoonist, I usually draw my characters too and post them under the hutch over my desk so I can look at them when I'm writing.

    Anyway, that's a great idea for a blog post, and I'd love to see it. Please send it my way.

  4. Would you be interested in a guest post about historical fiction? My genre of choice really doesn't seem to get a lot of love or representation on any of the YA blogs I follow or have come across.

  5. How about a blog about writing for the reluctant reader market? I've had two of these books published and I'm working on a third. They are a little different than your regular YA books in format and content.

  6. Carrie-Anne, I might be, but it depends on the exact topic. Historical fiction is just too broad. Email me with some suggestions that are either inspirational or informative to writers and/or illustrators, and we'll see. Maybe something about the struggles of writing historical fiction and why you've chosen to write it anyway.

  7. Kim, that sounds like a great idea! E-mail me so we can iron out the details. I'd like to know what differentiates a novel for reluctant readers and how you hooked up with your publisher.
