
Monday, January 02, 2012

Looking for ideas for Marketing Month

This is the last stop on my Bewitching book tour:

It's been fun. I received a couple of glowing reviews, made some fans, and enjoyed being interviewed. I also discovered some interesting book blogs I wouldn't have discovered otherwise.

Meanwhile, I've been hard at work getting the paperback version of Toren the Teller's Tale  ready for publication. I can't believe that I just need to receive and approve the proof, and then the book will be available through all outlets. This is so exciting!

January will be Marketing Month for Toren and me. I'm interested in swapping blog posts, doing author interviews, and so on. If you would like a blog post or an interview from me, let me know. We could do an exchange.

Any other ideas? Should I do YouTube videos? Contests? What do you like to see on an author's blog?


  1. Good luck with marketing this month!

    Also, I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can find the post here:

  2. Oh, wow, thank you so much, Yelana! That's so exciting! Thank you!
